Scientific affairs, standardisation and education

To contribute to the successful education of the industry’s current and future talent, EDANA offers the Nonwovens Learning Cycle™, a complete cycle of nonwovens training courses in partnership with CETI (European Innovation Textiles Center, located in France).

Complementing this offer, EDANA also has training programmes for two main applications: absorbent hygiene products and filtration media

EDANA is involved in maintaining and further developing the Nonwovens Standard Procedures (NWSP), in collaboration with INDA. 

The aim of the NWSP is to provide an up-to-date, common technical language for the entire nonwovens industry.

This has resulted in a set of uniform procedures – accepted and understood globally – for determining the properties of nonwovens. Today there are nearly 100 methods, which are available free of charge to our members through the EDANA’s Member Portal.

We also support our members in case of questions about test methods and technical matters.

Within the industry, EDANA monitors, coordinates and supports standardization activities both in ISO (the worldwide standardisation organisation) and CEN (the European standardisation organisation).

EDANA acts as a liaison member of the following Work Groups: 

  • ISO TC38/WG9 Textile - Nonwovens 
  • ISO TC93/SC13/WG6  - Personal protective clothing
  • ISO TC173/SC3/WG2 - Incontinence products 
  • ISO TC224/WG10 Flushable wipes - CEN TC189 Geosynthetics
  • CEN TC205/WG14 - Surgical clothing and drapes
Marines Lagemaat
Scientific & Technical Affairs Director
+32 2 740 18 15
For any questions please contact
Anaëlle Schütz
Scientific Affairs & Training Coordinator
+32 2 740 18 11