Submissions are now closed. The nominees will soon be announced.

INDEX™ Innovation Awards  - Excellence in the nonwovens and related industries

Winning an INDEX™ Award is the highest accolade that can be given to a company for achievement in the nonwovens and related industries.

Award winners benefit from improved standing within the nonwovens business community, as well as significant public relations advantages. INDEXTM Awards are presented once every three years during the INDEXTM exhibition.

For any questions please contact
Giovanna Merola

Who can apply?

Any EDANA member companies and/or those exhibiting at INDEXTM 23 are eligible to take part.

What are the criteria

  • Products must have been/be made commercially during the period 1 April 2020 – 31 January 2023.
  • A company may only submit one product per category, however, a single product may be submitted to more than one category. Please note that a product cannot win in multiple categories.
  • Product improvement, process innovation or consumer benefits must be substantiated. For example, for a sustainable product or process, this would include a significant, positive impact on the social and/or economic and/or environmental profile of said product.

What are the categories? 

  1. Nonwoven roll goods.
  2. Finished products made from, or incorporating nonwovens.
  3. Raw materials or components - innovation in a raw material or component (e.g. polymer, fibre, binder, film, tape) of special relevance to the nonwovens and related converted products industry.
  4. Innovation in machinery of special relevance to the nonwovens industry.
  5. Achievement for the most original marketing campaign for a product made from, or incorporating nonwovens.
  6. Sustainable nonwoven (based) product or sustainable process related to nonwoven manufacturing or converting.


The jury is made up of a panel of independent experts with technical, converting and marketing experience, as well as a member of the nonwovens press.

They may decide to reclassify your entry, if they feel that it is in your best interest to be included in a more relevant category.

The INDEX™23 awards ceremony 

The winners will be selected from the shortlisted entries and will be presented with their awards at a special ceremony. Shortlisted applicants are strongly encouraged to attend the ceremony in person, or to nominate a representative from their company to attend on their behalf.

This ceremony will take place on 18 April 2023, the first day of the INDEX™ 23 exhibition, at 10.00 at the EDANA stand. It will include a highly publicised launch with media coverage.

Exposure during INDEX™23

There will be a dedicated space on the exhibition floor featuring the three nominees (including the winner) of each category.

They will be on display throughout the four days of the exhibition, in order to showcase to the event attendees just how innovation and sustainability are driving the nonwovens industry forward. Increased exposure and enhanced visibility for your product or service and company, will ensure all shortlisted applicants extract maximum value from their submissions.


Shortlisted candidates will receive:

  • Media coverage before and after the ceremony
  • A dedicated space at INDEX™ 23, where the three nominees, including the winner, of each category will be displayed for the duration of the exhibition.

  • The winners of each category will:

  • Receive a prestigious award and a diploma, as well as media coverage after the ceremony.
  • Be published on EDANA’s website and social media channels.

Press coverage

  • All shortlisted entries will be showcased in a special press release three weeks before INDEX™23.
  • The winners will be shared in a press release after the Ceremony


  • 16 January 2023: Application deadline including samples and details where applicable.
  • Mid-February 2023: Notification of judges’ decision.
  • March 2023: All qualifying entries will be showcased in a special press release three weeks prior to INDEX™ 23.
  • 18 April 2023: The Awards Ceremony will take place during INDEX™ 23 at 10.00 CET at the EDANA stand.

2020 winners

  • Nonwoven Roll Goods: Jacob Holm - Sontara® Dual
  • Finished products made from, or incorporating nonwovens: Dupont De Nemours - Tychem® 2000 SFR
  • Raw materials or components: Beaulieu Fibres International - UltraBond
  • Innovation in machinery of special relevance to the nonwovens industry: GDM - Expandable Welding Wheel
  • Achievement for the most original marketing campaign for a product made from, or incorporating nonwovens: Berry Global - J-Cloth® Plus Biodegradable Communication Campaign
  • Sustainable Product: Ahlstrom-Munksjö - Fiber+, Green Capsule Top Lid, Compostable K-cup filter
  • Sustainable process or management practice: FaterSMART - FaterSMART used absorbent hygiene products (AHP) recycling technology
  • People's Prize: Omya International - Omyafiber® 800